How ScoliBrace® Works
Effective scoliosis bracing protocols for adults, adolescents and teens.
How ScoliBrace® Works
Effective scoliosis bracing protocols for adults, adolescents and teens.
3D Design
3D Design
What to Expect
All exams, x-rays, brace fittings, and re-evaluations are performed in the Minneapolis Chiropractic Center office. This eliminates the need for multiple appointments with different caregivers over many days typical with traditional braces. Dr. Rob manages each aspect of care from x-ray analysis to the final brace fitting.
Step 1: Exam with X-Ray
The initial appointment consists of obtaining patient family history followed by a physical examination. The physical examination includes screening for typical signs of scoliosis such as:
- Unlevel shoulders
- Scapular winging
- Rib humping
- Poor postural balance
If scoliosis is suspected, a series of x-rays will be taken to measure the size of the curve(s). If a scoliosis curve is detected, stress x-rays are often taken to assess the flexibility of the curves. This information will be used to decide on the proper course of care.
Step 2: 3D Body Scan
ScoliBrace® uses cutting edge 3D scanning technology to build a customized brace unique to the patients’ curve(s) and body type. This approach allows Dr. Rob to target the curves far more effectively compared to the one-size-fits-all approach with many traditional braces.
Step 3: Build Your Custom Brace
The information from the examination, x-rays, postural pictures, and 3D scans are sent to the ScoliBrace lab where a brace is “printed” to fit the patient. Once the brace is complete, it is shipped to Minneapolis Chiropractic Center and a brace fitting appointment is scheduled.
Step 4: Fit the Brace
The initial brace fitting involves making small adjustments to the brace to make it as comfortable to wear as possible. X-rays are taken with the brace on to ensure maximum effectiveness while wearing the brace.
Step 5: Monitor the Outcome
After the initial ScoliBrace fitting, a follow up appointment will be scheduled in 30 days where minor adjustments may be made to the brace to improve compliance, if necessary. If the brace is well tolerated, customized scoliosis exercises will be prescribed to help strengthen weak muscles and improve flexibility of the spine.
- Children. Appointments will be scheduled at 3-month intervals to monitor the progress of the curve(s), the patient’s growth, brace comfort/fit, and skeletal maturity. X-rays may be taken on these visits.
- Adults. Appointments for adults will be scheduled at 3-month intervals to monitor the progress of the curve(s), make necessary brace adjustments, and review exercises. Once the patient is comfortable with the brace and is having a positive outcome, appointments will be on an as needed basis.
Success Stories

Before 1:

Before 2:

Wearing the ScoliBrace

After 1:

After 2:
Schedule a Free Consultation
Find out how Dr. Rob Privratsky can help you stop the progression of your scoliosis.